Monday, February 1, 2010


A. Child Care issues and Guidelines
1. Early Learning Guidelines of Fairfax County
2. Guidelines for Selecting a Babysitter
3. Tips for Shopping with Your Child
4. Child Supervision Guidelines--Fairfax County
5. If You See a Child Being Mistreated in a Public Place
6. Quality Child Care
7. Amerigroup Community Care

B. Communication
8. Words that Help Kids
9. Building Parent-Teacher Partnerships
10. How to Talk to Your Kids about the Earthquake in Haiti?
11. The Importance of Attachment
12. Think before You Spank

C. Development & Milestones
13. Developmental Milestones Ages Three, Four & Five
14. Developmental Milestones: Age 3
15. How Early Experiences Affect Brain Development
16. The Talking Three Year Old
17. Is your baby smart?

D. Encouragement and Discipline
18. Tony DiTerlizzi and Encouraging Young Artists
19. Discipline for Your Child
20. TIME-OUT Discipline Technique

E. Family activity
21. Family History Projects

F. Healthy issues
22. About Flu Season
23. Bee Wise, Immunize!
24. Tip for a Healthy Lifestyle
25. Family Fun and Fitness
26. About Diabetes

G. Military issues
27. Supporting young children affected by a military parent’s death
28. Supporting young children affected by a military parent’s injury

H. Reading & Early Literacy
29. How does Reading Develop Taste Buds?
30. Put Reading First
31. Literacy Is a Survival Skill
32. Help Little Ones Learn to Love Reading
33. Books Families Can Share with Their Children

I. Safety issues
34. Never Shake a Baby
35. Keeping Kids Safe in or around vehicles
36. Be Careful with Windows and Young Children

J. Toy
37. Toy Safety Shopping Tips
38. Think Toy Safety
39. Good Toys for Young Children

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